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My tours are for Edinburgh's visitors and residents alike. Click on the coloured tiles to enlarge and scroll through what people have been saying...
These snippets have been edited to make them more concise.
You can read the full versions, and further reviews, by using the links above to visit my pages.
International Edinburgh!
Edinburgh is an international city and meeting people from all around the world is a real highlight for me.
So far I've welcomed visitors from 25 different nations on my walking tours!
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Local historian.
Independent guide.
Freelance heritage worker.
Tours available throughout the year, summer and winter!
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I love this city, I want you to love it too...
Website updated 03 Sep 2024.
Images by Daniel Rannoch Photography and Hetty's History Walks.
Established 2019. Copyright of Hetty's History Walks. All Rights Reserved.